Horbury Academy apprenticeship week
8 March 2021Sewtec joined the tutors and students at Horbury Academy during Apprenticeship Week via online interactive sessions.
Sewtec Automation took part in Horbury Academy’s Apprenticeship Week with two online sessions with the students, tutors, and parents.
The first session saw Mark Atkins, Sewtec’s Business Support Director, introduce Sewtec and the types of projects we undertake. We then discussed the various apprenticeships we have at Sewtec, across various departments including electrical engineering, mechanical design, CNC machinist, HR, finance, and IT.
The afternoon saw a Q&A session whereby Mark answered various questions from what skills and qualities we look for in an apprentice, to what our favourite projects have been.
We were delighted to be asked to take part in these events and we hope to have provided students an insight into what it’s like to work in the modern manufacturing industry.
Mark Atkins said “We look to students and apprentices as our future for the company. Providing extra insight and advice on what opportunities are out there is also key. The manufacturing industry has changed. With robotics, smart factories, virtual reality, and artificial intelligence, the modern factory is a progressive, forward-thinking place to be.
We want to encourage young people to explore all the various jobs that sit within the automation industry too, not just engineering. Our company depends upon multiple departments in house including HR, finance, IT, health and safety, sales, and marketing. We want to inspire the next generation in our community to dream big and be more ambitious in what they can achieve in their careers.”
Read more about why putting people first is the key to modern manufacturing.
If you’re interested in finding out what it’s like to work at Sewtec, and to explore our current vacancies, visit our careers page.