Sewtec give back in 2021
23 December 2021Whilst this has been another pretty difficult year for many, there have been plenty of positives to celebrate. With Covid-19 still impacting our daily lives, it’s never been more important to support others and pull together as a community. That’s why Sewtec chose to support several charitable organisations throughout 2021.

Our employees and customers have always played an integral part in these activities, and Sewtec runs several initiatives throughout the year to support great causes.
Here at Sewtec, we’re very proud to announce that we have raised almost £2,000 for charity so far in 2021, giving back to initiatives that are close to our team’s hearts. Not only this, but we are expected to raise a further £700+ to give our total an extra boost.
Over the past year, we’ve fundraised for:
- EYUP! – a charity making a difference to community, mental health, wellbeing and learning disability services in Yorkshire
- Macmillan Cancer Support
- The Royal British Legion
- The Barnsley Homeless Initiative
Read on to learn more about how Sewtec has given back this year.
What have we done this year?
Knowing where to start isn’t always easy. Thankfully, Sewtec had recently been approached by a volunteer of local charity, the Barnsley Churches Drop in Project (BCDP) who told us about the great work they do.
A representative from the project said:
“We give out food bags every night to the rough sleepers of Barnsley and the people staying in temporary accommodation. Most clients are addicts but ALL have suffered some significant trauma in their lives. 80% are male. We also give out sleeping bags, 2-person pop up tents, shoes, coats, hats, gloves, socks, trousers/jeans/joggers.”
“Anything that you can help with would be massively helpful and appreciated, particularly coming up to the winter months.”
Our team immediately jumped at the chance to help and responded to this request by donating several items, including tents, sleeping bags, coats, sweaters, etc, and some of them even went out and purchased thick socks, gloves and hats to donate. The team also raised an additional sum of £500 to help support this tremendous project.
But we didn’t stop there! Sewtec made contact with Lucy Goddard, HR Director of Pricecheck UK, to see if they could give us a helping hand and support this cause. Pricecheck UK did not hesitate to offer assistance, supplying us with much needed toiletries for the homeless. We cannot thank the team at Pricecheck enough for their generosity in supporting such a worthy cause.
The arrival of winter means that the difficult times can become even harder for those who are vulnerable. And while many of us look forward to the festive season, it’s important to remember how tough this time of year can be for some.
We have just completed our last fundraising event of 2021 and raised an additional £811, which will be used to help support the great work that Wakefield Street Kitchen and Andy’s Man club do for those in need of assistance in Wakefield – particularly throughout the festive period.
What’s coming in 2022?
A massive thank you goes out to all of our employers, suppliers and customers for supporting our charity events throughout 2021, we have got some great things planned for 2022.
Sales Director Andy Perks says:
“Doing our bit for charity alongside our work at Sewtec is so important to our team. We are really passionate about recognising the local charities doing great things in our community alongside nationwide charities that have touched us all in some way.
Not only this but it’s been a great chance for us to ‘down tools’ and step away from work to focus on giving something back and making a difference in what has been a really tough few years for everyone. I’m really proud of the amount of money we have raised. It only motivates us further to meet bigger and better fundraising targets in 2022!”
Head to our news section to get the latest updates on what we’re doing. It’s going to be a big year!