Sewtec Recognises the Importance of National Apprenticeship Week
8 February 2024This week is National Apprenticeship Week, an annual celebration of apprentices in England & Wales and at Sewtec we continue to see apprentices as long-term investments who are the future of our business. Our goal is to help nurture the next generation of talent whilst growing our workforce to meet our strategic objectives.

Sewtec recognises the important role of Apprentices and we are proud to work with Appris Training Centre in Bradford to help our apprentices achieve their goals. Here is what 3 of our apprentices have said about their journey so far:
Lukasz Kriger, Apprentice Mechanical Design Engineer:
“Six years ago, I came to the UK from Poland with CNC Machining experience and ready to take on new challenges. Joining Sewtec marked the beginning of my journey, moving from the world of CNC to Mechanical Design. The decision to undertake an apprenticeship resulted from my previous experience as a CNC Machinist and the opportunities Sewtec provided me. This meant immersing myself in a combination of theoretical knowledge and practical application, bridging the gap between my machining knowledge and the intricacies of design. As an apprentice, I not only improve my skills, I shape my identity as a versatile engineer by using my experience from both sides of the workshop. Starting an apprenticeship as a Mechanical Design Engineer at Sewtec is an extremely rewarding experience.”
Louis Lecomber, Electrical Apprentice:
“Since starting as an electrical apprentice at Sewtec, I have undertaken a variety of challenging and exciting tasks. The team at Sewtec are friendly, supportive and actively share their knowledge with me. Starting at 20 years old, following A-levels and a business diploma, I was slightly older than the majority of apprentices. The move from higher education to practical application with theory, both at Appris and in the workplace suits my learning style and career path. I am looking forward to developing in the role of an Electrical Engineer and the opportunities Sewtec has to offer.”
Ben Rodgerson, Mechanical Fitter Support:
“After my first year of college, I decided I wanted to move to the engineering industry as a career, I did another 2 years at college level studying engineering. Whilst studying I started looking for apprenticeships in engineering unfortunately, I was unsuccessful and had to take an apprenticeship in the automotive industry instead. After completing my apprenticeship and working my way through different roles I decided that I wanted to try and get back into engineering and in the unlikely place (a record shop) I was recommended to apply for an apprenticeship at Sewtec Automation and was given the opportunity to achieve my goal!
At first it was a bit of an anxious and odd experience for myself starting my apprenticeship at 25/26 as it felt like I was starting my career all over again but those feelings and thoughts faded quickly after how welcomed I felt by both Sewtec Automation and by Appris, being able to see how far I have come and the confidence and support that I have gained from myself and the people around me even thought I am still at the beginning of my journey gives me the reassurance that this is the right choice I made and that I am being given the opportunity/support to fully make use of this opportunity.”
Dean Coleman-Walker, Business Development Director at Appris:
“Appris is extremely proud of its long-standing partnership with Sewtec and its exceptional apprentices. From the outset, it was evident that Sewtec shared our commitment to nurturing talent and investing in the development of the next generation of engineers. Their forward-thinking approach to apprenticeship programs and engineering innovation sets a standard for excellence within the industry.
Throughout our collaboration, we have had the privilege of working closely with multiple cohorts of apprentices who exemplify dedication, enthusiasm, and ingenuity. Their eagerness to learn and passion for engineering has been truly inspiring.”
We are currently recruiting a number of apprentices in Electrical, Machining and Fabrication and are interested in receiving applications. If you are interested in finding out more about a career at Sewtec please email or check out our careers page